Video: Moy Tung Kung Fu vs. Multiple Attackers

This video features examples of Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu practical applications, plus the martial arts training drills that make effective self-defense possible. The power of these martial arts drills and techniques for real-world fighting and self-defense is obvious in the video. However, it's not possible to learn from a video how to do the drills correctly, in the way that develops the technique and power demonstrated.

To properly learn Ving Tsun Kung Fu, it's necessary to train under a qualified sifu, a legitimate Ving Tsun master and teacher. The drills in the video, and the principles, forms and details that make these martial arts techniques effective for fighting in the real world, are preserved in the Moy Tung lineage of the Moy Yat Kung Fu family. Click here for a list of authorized branches in the Moy Tung lineage.

The video shows five living generations of Ving Tsun Kung Fu practitioners. The opening scenes feature Grandmaster Moy Tung taking out multiple attackers, and are from a film shot in Detroit, MI, with the help of the Detroit Moy Tung Kung Fu branch school - look for the brief cameo by Grandmaster Owen Matson, founder of the Detroit branch. Many of the other scenes in the video show Sifu Barry O'Brien, founder of the Richmond Moy Yat Kung Fu Academy's West End branch school demonstrating Chi Sao techniques and practical applications of Ving Tsun Kung Fu fighting techniques, including against multiple opponents.

Grandmaster Moy Yat's sihing (older kung fu brother) Moy Bing Wah, the man who introduced Moy Yat to Yip Man, is also shown demonstrating a Bong Sao. In the fifth kung fu generation is Sifu Mark of the Washington, DC Moy Yat Kung Fu school. Images of Grandmaster Moy Yat, and his teacher, Grandmaster Yip Man are shown at the end of the video, tracing the roots of American Ving Tsun Kung Fu back to Hong Kong.

Click here if you would like to schedule an introductory lesson in Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu - for men, women, teens and kids.


Celebrating Three Decades of Ving Tsun Kung Fu in RVA


Time and Energy in Richmond, VA: April 7, 1986 Times-Dispatch article about Moy Yat Kung Fu